About Us

I’m Ray Popejoy and the owner of Popejoy Plumbing, Heating and Electric and the GenTemP company. We have been in business since 1984 and among other things, we are a POWER PRO Generator dealer here in central Illinois and we know firsthand how upset customers can be when their automatic standby generator system doesn’t start. I’m sure you can relate to that scenario.

For the past several years we’ve been designing, testing, and patenting a cold weather generator kit that has solved all the cold weather issues we’ve encountered, and our customers have never been happier. At this time we have over 1500 of these GenTemP low ambient kits in operation and they really do make the difference. As winter sets in, we send flyers to all our existing customers who don’t already have a GenTemP kit and many call us to install them. People just want the added assurance that their system will be ready when they most need it and the GenTemP gives them that peace of mind, solving all the cold start issues that factory solutions simply don’t.